B-202 Random Booster Vol. 30 Released!


Random Booster Vol. 30 

It was released on September 10, 2022 by Takara Tomy as part of the Burst System as well as the Dynamite Battle Layer System (DB) and the Burst Ultimate Layer Series (BU). -Beyblade Wiki

B-202 01 Wind Knight Moon Bounce-6

  1. Layer: Wind Knight-6 [Right-Spin]
    • DB Core: Knight [R]
    • BU Blade: Wind [R]
    • DB Armor: 6
  2. DB Disc: Moon (Mn)
  3. Driver: Bounce (Bn)

B-202 02 Prominence Knight Legacy Sword'-1

  1. Layer: Prominence Knight-1 [Right-Spin]
    • DB Core: Knight [R]
    • DB Blade: Prominence [R]
    • DB Armor: 1
  2. DB Disc: Legacy (Lg)
  3. Driver: Sword' (Sw')

B-202 03 Devil Xcalibur Moon High Wave'-2

  1. Layer: Devil Xcalibur-2 [Right-Spin]
    • DB Core: Xcalibur [R]
    • DB Blade: Devil [R]
    • DB Armor: 2
  2. DB Disc: Moon (Mn)
  3. Driver: Hight Wave' (HWv')

B-202 04 Wind Kerbeus Xanthus Bounce-4

  1. Layer: Wind Kerbeus-4 [Right-Spin]
    • DB Core: Kerbeus [R]
    • BU Blade: Wind [R]
    • DB Armor: 4
  2. DB Disc: Xanthus (Xn)
  3. Driver: Bounce (Bn)

B-202 05 Xiphoid Belial Karma Destroy'-10

  1. Layer: Xiphoid Belial-10 [Right-Spin]
    • DB Core: Belial 1 [R]
    • BU Blade: Xiphoid [R]
    • DB Armor: 10
  2. DB Disc: Karma (Kr)
  3. Driver: Destroy' (Ds')

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